School Closures and Delays

Weather conditions are checked by the Head of School in coordination with the Transportation Manager at 4:30 am and 5:30 am. In determining if school will be canceled or delayed, several factors are considered: rate of snowfall, amount fallen, temperature, wind, highway and road conditions, electricity and weather forecasts. Information on conditions from Garfield, Pitkin, Eagle, and Gunnison counties are considered since staff and students travel these distances. Safety is the primary consideration in deciding to hold or close school.


The decision to cancel school will be made by the Head of School and will almost always follow the guidance of the Roaring Fork School District. When the decision is made to close for any reason, faculty and staff will receive official notification from Ross Montessori.

Parents/Guardians will receive a text message sent to the phone numbers we have on file if the school must close. Notice will be posted in the following locations:

  • The school website

  • Facebook for RMS

  • Facebook for Carbondale Rural Fire Department

  • CSI website

  • 9 News

  • KMTS

  • Radio Tricolor

Delayed Start

NEW as of 10/27/2022: Ross offers delayed start transportation. Please visit the Bus & Walking Routes section of our website (under Families & Students) for current and delayed bus schedules.

A delayed start of school will be called when conditions are poor or snow removal must occur during the early morning hours before staff and students arrive, but improved conditions are predicted for the morning. We will still dismiss at the same time on those days and follow the regular after-school bus route times. As a side note, if a delayed start is called, we expect students to bring their lunch and cancel the hot lunch program for that day.

School will be delayed two hours, lunch will be canceled.