Advisory Committees to the Board

5 months ago

Governance Committee

Strategic Accountability Committee

Ross Montessori is in the midst of an exciting strategic planning process under the guidance of consultant Jan Thirlby. A committee comprised of parents, teachers, staff, and board members has worked together to determine a vision of what Ross should become in thirty years time.  This committee is charged with creating the long and short-term goals that are needed for Ross Montessori to achieve its renewed vision. This committee will also serve to hold the school “accountable” to its long and short-term goals, and thus will also assume the role of the committee formerly known as the “School Accountability Committee.” Strategic Accountability Committee establishes consistency in the improvement process and  holds the school responsible for its own established goals. Quarterly updates are provided to all stakeholders. 

Finance and Audit

The Finance committee shall have the responsibility for establishing the budgeting procedure, recommending annual budgets to the Board for approval and review of financial performance against the budget; establishing and reviewing financial controls:appointment of independent auditors; and considering and recommending financing for long range capital projects.

Nominating Committee

The Montessori Method at Ross

5 months ago

The 100 year old Montessori method of education differs from more traditional approaches. Students are grouped together in multi-age classrooms (ages 5-6, 6-9, 9-12 and 12-14) allowing older children to master skills by helping to teach the younger children. Classrooms typically are made up of 24-30 students (8-10 of each age ideally) and are staffed by a Montessori trained teacher as well as a teaching assistant.

RMS’s curriculum is extensive in its scope and diversity.  Its major aspects include:  Practical Life, Sensorial, Arithmetic, Language, Writing, Reading, Geography, History, Botany, Zoology, Art, Music, Spanish, Science and Outdoor Education.  

There are few textbooks found in Montessori classroom, with the exception of our Middle School program.  The classroom is set up as a prepared environment with numerous learning works in which the child engages at his or her own pace. Various teaching styles such as visual, auditory, and hands-on are used in each classroom.  Maria Montessori deemed that the hand is the chief teacher of the child.  Because of this hands-on experience, second language learners often do well even before they are fluent in English. 

Students have long blocks of uninterrupted work time (typically 3 hours) every morning to allow in-depth exploration of a particular subject or material or to engage in as many activities as is deemed applicable to their age-level.  

Dr. Maria Montessori understood that children learn best through their own efforts, thus the teacher's primary role is to follow each child's developmental progress and gently guide him/her toward progressively more challenging academic pursuits. Teachers frequently give small group lessons as well as individual instruction rather than whole class lessons. Students are always encouraged to use the tools provided to work toward their academic potential, persevere with difficult challenges and personally correct their own work. Students are able to work either alone or in small groups and move freely about the classroom during the day. Parents are also an integral part of Montessori schooling and volunteering for activities is common and encouraged 

The main goal of the Montessori approach is to develop the joy of learning. In essence, Montessori helps bring out each child's gifts. The Montessori method of teaching helps students reach their academic potential through directed but non-competitive activities producing students who are confident in their academic knowledge as well as in their problem-solving skills. These students often go on to become leaders in their communities because of the skills developed during their school years.

Mark Ross Montessori Foundation

5 months ago

The Mark Ross Montessori Foundation (MRMF) is a 501(c)3 entity whose mission is to provide financial support to Ross Montessori School (RMS). We oversee and participate in major fundraising campaigns and events, grant requests, and individual donor solicitation. These monies are used by RMS for construction and renovation of facilities, educational programming, teacher development, and operational support.

Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)

5 months ago

CORA (Colorado Open-Records Act) updated 09/13/23

Ross Montessori complies with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA). Information attainable by CORA requests includes any writing made, kept, or maintained by individuals at Ross Montessori School, emails, and records stored in digital filing systems, computers, or servers.

School records are public unless otherwise protected and shall be available within three business days from the initial request. If the record exists but cannot be gathered within three days, the delivery date shall be extended an additional seven working days. The requestor shall be notified of the extension within the first three days of receiving the request. Format requests will be considered, although digital via e-mail is the default method.

There is no duty to create that public record if the records do not exist. If the School agrees to generate the requested report and requires additional manpower to format or create it, specific fees may apply. Costs associated with fulfilling the request will be communicated to the requestor before data collection. All fees must be paid in full before completing the records request with the Fee Schedule designated as follows: Employee preparation time: $30/hour. Payment shall be made in full before records are provided to the requesting party.

Our Mission for Education

The purpose of Ross Montessori School is to prepare compassionate life-long learners to have a positive impact on the world. Vision 2045 We envision a time when Ross Montessori School will be an exemplary educational institution and recognized as such all over the world. Educators from all backgrounds will observe and learn from our model, grounded in the Montessori Method. Parents will choose our school over any other with a steadfast belief in the value we create for the children, families, and communities we serve. Our children will be immersed in the joy of discovery. Programming will be enriched with art, music,programs and drama through all the seasons. Students will actively participate in community service projects and conservation program, and every child will emerge a creative and competent problem solver. We will send citizens into the world who have a profound impact on their communities. They will face adversity and challenge with humility, grace, and compassion. They will inspire others to better the Earth and its inhabitants. All who know them will be better for it for generations into the future. Our Core Values are: Children, Joy of Discovery, Dedication to Mastery, Compassionate Love, Community


"Mom, I love school more than cake". I don't think her teachers could get a better compliment! ~ND "Hello, I just wanted to comment on something wonderful I witnessed today. The middle school students were lining up to go outside while I was still standing there eating the wonderful lunch we served. While they lined up, the upper elementary students were lining up to come in, I overheard a few of the students telling the other to behave in order to set an example for the students coming in. This amazed me, in my years of attending public school, this would have never happened!!! I should have, and would still would love to tell these students what an impact they made, and as a mother of a second grader, how that touched me. I want them to know that attitude and thinking will take them far in the years beyond schooling. You three, all the others that are a part of this school and the parents are the ones making this happen!!! I am so proud to have my son attending your school! ~TB" "Laurie, and C-pher really helped my son connect with others, become physically aware of himself, and learn to value his own ideas and strengths. Today, he is socially adept, confident, and the right maturity level for his developmental stage. The Grace and Courtesy emphasis does pay off, especially when your charges are kindergarten to lower elementary, when they start learning in this socially responsible educational system. That’s why I love this school!"

"I wanted to say how much I enjoyed tonight's open house! It was very inspiring for myself but I was even more amazed how excited my boy was to participate and demonstrate to his father and others what he has been learning. I could just see his inner confidence shining through. How secure he was roaming the halls, the way he interacted with strangers. So cool. When I took him to see the 7 and 8th graders I was equally taken back at how those students treated my son as they adapted to talking to a first grader."

"I wanted to offer for my children and I to come to the middle school informational night and speak briefly in the success of Ross middle schoolers and "the real world." I did not choose to volunteer much of my time to Ross over the years as both my husband and I chose to volunteer the little extra time we had to Little League. With that said, I am potentially one of the most grateful Ross parents there is! My high school children are both straight A students, student athletes, recipients of multiple academic and sports awards, and participants in extracurricular clubs at Glenwood High School. While I believe that we are "good" parents, I truly attribute MORE of their success to the Ross Montessori education, than I do to our parenting. I have also seen the negative effects of my children's' peers who were switched in 7th or 8th grade to another middle school, due to the parent's belief that the kids need to transition to 'traditional' schools before high school. This might be one way that we could give back to Ross." A Prospective Parent's Thoughts After a Classroom Observation "Quality of respectful engagement between teachers and students - Children respect materials and order - Diversity in the classrooms - Adults problem-solve with students, asking for student input (rather than telling them what to do) - Kind, respectful social interactions among students" Insight on our Parent Education Nights "I loved learning about the tools and how they lead children to deeper understanding of subjects. Please offer Math and Reading, again, soon. Thank you." "I can have a prepared Montessori environment at home now."

"I won't call conflicts 'bullying.' I will help my child by being more specific."

"It was great to understand all the steps a new reader has to go through to read just one word. Adults forget how difficult this process is."